Al-Asr Educational Institute was founded in 2001 and is based in Claudius, Pretoria, South Africa. It is an independent school that is devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and research to push the boundaries of human knowledge. The school focuses on integrating Quranic knowledge with academics for learners from Grade RR to Grade 12. Education at the Al-Asr goes beyond the classroom and traditional academics with its rigorous curriculum that promotes character, environmental stewardship and creative thinking, as well as Social Outreach programs in which learners coordinate numerous community service projects especially in the underprivileged areas of Pretoria.

We at Al-Asr recognise our role in dealing with the dynamism of modern day living and the collateral challenges and demands on our communities to maintain our Islamic identity within a South African context.

Our Motto

•“ …Teach them the Book and the Wisdom…”

Our Vision

•The vision of Al-Asr is to create a Quranic generation of people who would act out the principals laid down by the Quran to be beneficial to society.

Our Mission

Integrate Quranic principles with secular knowledge

Create Allah-consciousness in whatever a learner performs

Promote the sporting and cultural development of our learners

Build student leadership for on-going service to the community

Integrate with learners from other government and private schools

Develop learners in every aspect i.e. by parting knowledge of the word of Allah which is enshrined in the Quran

Keep school fees as affordable as possible (Lowest fees in the area)

Maintain at least a ten percent learner compliment of previously disadvantaged learners. •Maintain a high level of academic excellence •Achieve a 100% Matriculation pass rate